AGM 2018 Minutes


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on April 20th 2018 in the Penylan Club

Present: J Goss [79] (Convener), R Williams [59], V Donnelly [75], R Kay [400],S Finch [167], S. Thomas [176A], C Joll [32B], P Thurlbeck [309B], C Smith [413], D Smith, V T Goss [79], W. Morris (319A), L Lyons (142B), C. Pritchard (137A), J Wheeler (140), C. Nurse + E White (107A), N. Drew (8), G. Drew (13), E + T Stephens [136B], A + J Houlston-Clark [318A], D Harris [412], K Boddington [79B], E + P Atherfold [4], R + N Moss [156A], S Kay [19], P Watson [48], S Goddard [67A], S Ansell + M Kelly [64B], P Sutton [106B], C Campagli [60A], J Sanders [24A], A Price [112A], A Jones [16]

Apologies: S Place [3], M Wass [135], V Finch (56), G. Brady (57), V Wright + G Wright [113B + 126A], H Burrows [121], A Tamburello [86], A. Judge (153B), C Stock [23B+24B], P Codron [159C], Z Khan [25], F Gerrard [164]

The Convener welcomed plot holders to the 19th AGM and reminded members that only plot holders could register to vote.

2. Apologies – above

3. Minutes of the 2017 AGM held on 7th April 2017
These were agreed to be a correct record and were signed by the Convener.

4. Matters arising
None was raised.

5. Renewal of LMA for 2018 – 2019
Convener explained the principle of the Self-Management Agreement. We are signed up to Level 3, which means we get a higher income from the Council, but we have to pay for our water. The recommendation of the Committee would be to renew the LMA for 2018-19. There was unanimous agreement from the members at the AGM that the LMA be renewed for 2018-19

6. Chairman’s Report
Julian Goss was acting as Convenor for the AGM as Roger Kay had been unavailable for a few months so JG had taken over the role for this meeting. His report was attached to the documents sent out before the meeting and rather than go over them, he invited the members to ask any questions. One question concerned Stacey Road Primary school, and whether they were likely to visit the site again. Julian was confident that this was highly likely as it had been so successful last year, largely due to Craig Smith’s input with the children. Sue Ansell [Plot 64B] offered her help with future visits.

7. Site Secretaries Report
Angharad explained the process of plot inspections, consisting of 3 steps – an initial letter of concern, formal letter to cultivate or quit, eviction notice from the Council. There is a period of 4 weeks between each step. When an eviction notice is sent from the Council, the plot holder has a further 4 weeks in which to appeal the notice and show that some improvement has been made. Photographic evidence of the plot is taken when the formal C/Q notice is sent, and also when the Council issues an eviction notice. It’s a long process, which is frustrating for the Committee and for the neighbours of the neglected plots. AJ also thanked Roger Williams for his continued work, organizing plot-letting paperwork and to other members of the committee who do plot letting duty. No questions were asked from the floor.

8. Shopkeeper’s Report
Val Finch was unable to attend the meeting. Julian apologized on her behalf.

9. Treasurer’s Report
Not available online, please ask a committee member if you’d like a copy of the treasurers report.

10. Convener for 2019
Clause P3 of the constitution of the Association requires that a Convener chairs the AGM, chosen by plot holders attending the AGM. Julian Goss proposed that Roger Kay be appointed for 2019. The meeting agreed unanimously that Roger Kay should serve as the Convener for the 2019 AGM.

11. Elections
After checking the nomination forms, the Convener declared that there were no other nominations, therefore the current Committee would continue
Chair:- Julian Goss
Secretary:- Angharad Jones
Treasurer:- Steven Place
Storekeeper:- Valerie Finch
Site Manager:- Roger Kay
Plot Letting:- Roger Williams
Webmaster:- Simon Thomas
Member posts on the Executive Committee:- Mattew Wass, Vic Donnelly, and Sue Finch

12. Appointment of Auditor
Mohamad Moulani was proposed as Auditor. This was unanimously agreed.

13. AOB
a) Sue Ansell [Plot 64B] – concerned about the use of chemicals on site. She had to leave her plot twice
i) when weedkiller was being used
ii) when weeds were being killed using burning paraffin JG explained that the path between plots are the responsibility of both plot holders. He suggested that:
i) If you want to use weedkillers, you must discuss this with your neighbours
ii) Many plot holders try to garden organically and have the right to do this. We must therefore, be sensitive to our neighbours.
b) Rubbish is accumulating near the metal dump with plastic pots and other plastic blowing down the road near the dumping area. This should be taken home. JG explained that we use skips, which are expensive.
c) Julia Houlston-Clark offered to help the Association apply for money from the Big Lottery, people and places grant.
d) Bees – a question re hives on site. JG explained the history of Council rules. Also the role of CAHA. To keep bees on site, a plot holder must be properly qualified and also garden a plot which is designated as appropriate by the Council. Chickens – the legislation allows plot holders to keep chickens, but they are a heavy responsibility and need tending twice a day. This commitment seems to put many people off.
e) Question regarding clearing the road by your plot. This is encouraged!
f) Query about the demolition of Howardian – the old school. Likely to be after September. Houses are planned for the site. RASW said we should be eligible to apply for a Section 106 grant.

The meeting closed at 8.20pm and the Convener thanked the members for attending.

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